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Project: python
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fedecarg - Python, pasted on Jun 14:
Compare jpg image files using histogram
Use progressively more costly method to see if two jpg files are different

from PIL import Image
import glob
import os
import sys
import binascii
import md5

def histogram_md5(im):
    m = md5.new()
    h = im.histogram()
    return m.digest()

if len(sys.argv) < 1:
    print "No file names provided."

if len(sys.argv) is not 3:
    print "two files only!"

file1 = sys.argv[1]
file2 = sys.argv[2]

print "open ", file1
im1 = Image.open(file1)

print "open ", file2
im2 = Image.open(file2)

print "sizes: ", im1.size, " " , im2.size

if im1.size != im2.size:
    print file1, " and ", file2 , " are different"

print "info: " ,im1.info , " " , im2.info

if (im1.info != im2.info):
    print file1, " and ", file2 , " are different"

print "mode: " ,im1.mode , " ", im2.mode

if im1.mode != im2.mode:
    print file1, " and ", file2 , " are different"

file1_hm5 = histogram_md5(im1)
file2_hm5 = histogram_md5(im2)

print "histogram md5: ", binascii.b2a_hex(file1_hm5), " ", binascii.b2a_hex(file2_hm5)

if file1_hm5 != file2_hm5:
    print file1, " and ", file2 , " are different"

f1 = os.path.getsize(file1)
f2 = os.path.getsize(file2)

if f1 != f2:
    print file1, " and ", file2 , " have different sizes."
    print "possibly because they have different meta data."

print "looking at every bit of each file. this can take a while..."

imc1 = list(im1.getdata())
l1 = len(imc1)
imc2 = list(im2.getdata())
l2 = len(imc2)

if l1 != l2:
    print file1, " and ", file2 , " are different"

if imc1 != imc2:
    print file1, " and ", file2 , " are different"

print file1, " and ", file2 , " contain the same image data."

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